Monday, March 15, 2010

week3 day 1

well in sunny old melbourne it was 30 degrees at lunch time and I was desperate to get my run in because it had been 2 days since i finished week 2 and tomorrow I will be in the city all day so running will be out of the quesiton. Not only did I have nerves abut jogging for 3 minutes but doing it twice was a real mental hurdle for me.
As Monday morning progressed the office was driving me nuts so another excuse flew out the window. I headed off to the park/ track where I run from work and set up my Ipod and off I went. for some reason the audio cues didn't work for the first 1/2 of my run so I had to rely on the change in the colour of the screen. Then I worked out how to fix it by hitting the external volume up control and everything just fell into place. I worked my way through the whole run. Didn't cheat and finished the run dripping wet and hot as hell but feeling great. I can't wait until Wednesday to do it all again.
today was the first day I have felt the need to carry a water bottle but gee I'm glad I did. legs were good breathing was good all in all it was just good. slow but good. Yeaaaaaaaaaaa

1 comment:

  1. Nice job! You're very smart to focus on the "good" and not the "slow". The best run I've ever had was also my slowest - felt like I could go forever, didn't have to think about anything, it just happened. Aerobically, it was just as beneficial and the fact it felt good made me feel like a runner for the first time in my life.
