Sunday, March 14, 2010

A little bit of background

Ok so I finally got back to this. its about :) I am a 44 year old mother of 2. The picture up on my blog is me and my eldest son Liam. About 3 years ago in March 2007 my 2 boys took up Karate at a local dojo. As a parent I sat and watched for about 6 weeks. I have for as long as I can remember had issues with my weight. Although I have never let it stop me from doing anything I wanted to do I have often been self concious. After watching the kids for about 6 weeks I decided to give Karate a try myself. with the encouragement from various sensei(teachers) and Sempai (senior students) I have spent the last almost 3 years training 4 times a week. I have gone from being able to do 0 full good form push ups and about 3 situps to being able to do 10 full good form push ups and 40- 50 situps. I have obtained the level of 3rd kyu (brown belt) and I look forward to continuing to train and ultimately achieving the level of black belt where my Karate journey will actually begin. Part of obtaining my black belt requires that I learn the required moves and kata and that gets taken care of in the dojo however there is a certain level of fitness required and I need to lift my game on several levels over the next year or so to even be able to attempt this. For several months possibly even a year when possible I have been walking for 1/2 an hour at lunch time. after a couple of weeks I started to add the occasional jog. Initially I didn't have any specific goals for the jogging but as time progressed I split my 15 minute walk into 3 sections and I hoped to walk the first section jog the 2nd walk the third and then do the same thing on the way back. I discussed this a couple of times with Karate instructors and fellow students and we all agreed that this could only help my fitness. One of my buddies from Karate told me about the c25k program. Well I have embraced this program and I am so happy with the results so far. I have managed to make it through the first 2 weeks and despite the effort required and some discomfort I have completed the 1st 6 runs. After reading the c25k forums and being totally inspired by everyone posting there I have decided to set up this blog and record my efforts. As well as doing the c25k program I plan to do the 100 pushups and the 200 sit ups program on the days that I am not running. I think I need to ignore the Karate classes that I will continue to do and only worry about recording my efforts on these 3 programs over the next 9-12 weeks. I hope I havn't been too boring but hey how enthusiastic can you guys be about my training program. I started the 100 push ups and the 200 sit ups today and successfully got through day 1 so I am pretty happy with that. so at this point I have 6 weeks on the sit ups and push ups programs and about 7 weeks on the running program to go. all of these programs are flexible so if I need to repeat any week then thats just fine. Anyway If I can get to a point where I can run for 1/2 and hour do 200 sit ups and 100 push ups then I will consider myself ready to hopefully go for my next grading for 2nd kyu at the formal grading in June. Keep your fingers crossed for me I think I am going to need all the help and support I can get.


  1. I think it's really cool that you have the goal beyond the 5k as well. I've always said that I was "allergic" to running, but doing this for the past 6 weeks has really helped me out--I can already tell a major difference in my physical fitness.

    Also, silly question, but where did you find the pushup/sit up program? I'm intrigued. I'd love to work on those as well.

  2. I just googled them. they are actually available as iphone apps as well. really cool and I love doing them.
    I figure I had a headstart on those because of my Karate. I highly recommend them after 2 days on the program.
