Wednesday, March 17, 2010

week3 d2

Ok so things are moving forward It was 31 degrees today so pretty warm for running. It got to lunch time and I headed off to the park to run. I left my water bottle at home by mistake and had to rely on the water fountain at the end of the run that was a real pain. If it is warm I will make sure that I have my bottle. The 3 minute runs seemed harder today not sure why the legs were good but breathing was harder. not to worry so long as I am moving forward I am happy with that.

Yesterday I did day 2 of both the 100 push ups and the 200 sit ups programs at the moment the sit ups are much easier than the push ups and my progress reflects that. However I am moving forwrd in both programs and completing each day as it goes.

Maintaining motivation is going to be the big thing over the next 6-7 weeks while I get through all of these programs. What I do after that will all depend on how things are going at Karate and how I feel when I get there. sometimes its not hitting the big goal that is the important thing its enjoying the feeling or working through the various challenges and hitting all the little goals that make up the big one at the end.


  1. I was breathing like a race horse in week 3, and not like a happy race horse. Just keep reminding yourself to go slow. As long as your heart rate is getting up there, you're getting aerobic benefit. And that will make the following weeks a little easier. Hang in there!!

  2. We all have bad days, but keep at it. The good, "easy" days will come again ;-). Just keep pushing through it and keep on running!
