Friday, March 19, 2010

w3 d3 +

OK So yesterday was a great day for me. I was having one of those days where work is giving you so much grief that your back starts to ache and you just feel revolting. I hit midday and decided I just had to get out of there and I put on my gear and walked out the door.

It was not nearly so hot today only 24 degrees c but it was humid and I hate that it makes me feel like I need gills...

Anyway I drove up to the park and got myself all set to go. The first jog interval of only 90 seconds was so uncomfortable I thought I would have to quit. My back was aching and I just felt so out of control...Then I started thinking about chi running and setting yourself up for the best possible consequences and I started to relax well it seemed like no time and I got the 1/2 way mark. Damn I thought that was quick then I started to think about how I felt...back had stopped aching legs were doing OK breathing not to bad...mmmm I think my system actually likes this.

Now please don't get me wrong I did not sprint or "Run" I have no idea how fast or far I travel I just know that I jog (you could read shuffle at a snails pace here) and walk at the prompts from my ipod and I am making it through.

I actually completed the w3d3 run and I am now exactly 1/3 of the way through c25K.

Every week I look at the run program and I start panicking at the end of week 1 it was "90 seconds you gotta be kidding I am struggling with one minute". At the end of week 2 it was "a 3 minute run no way" at the end of week 3 I guess I am looking at it and saying well the program hasn't let me down yet....omg could it be happening am I actually turning into someone who is enjoying running? "nah not yet anyway"
I love the feeling I get completing each run I guess because that is a measurable success. I still am yet to find that stride where I go "Yeahhh baby that's the one."

I have never really understood why people love running but so many claim that they do... I know I love my Karate, and riding my horse and being with my kids but I still need to cultivate or find that love of running.

Now on a quick note I just have to brag my youngest son Rhys graded to his Thunderbolt black belt today. For Rhys this is a huge achievement. For my hubby Peter it now means we can take the boys to Karate together a bit more often as Rhys will now only train in Young Samurai classes. For me it just makes me proud to know that he persisted until he achived the goal and that is one of lifes biggest lessons quitters never win.

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