Saturday, March 27, 2010

week 4 d2

ok so it has taken me a little while to get things together for this post. I really wanted to have something positive to report. So here goes I went out this afternoon with a couple of friends of mine from Karate, Sharna and Spiri. we went out and took Spiri's dog with us to the track. Spiri is an accomplished runner in her own right so I was a bit worried about that but she is so great Sharna looked after the dog and Spiri ran with me well she lapped me several times as she kept on running when I walked but hey the bottom line is that on the grass athletics track I made it through the week 4 day 2 run again. so on Monday all things being = I will have a go at week 4 day 3. I have been a little distressed at week 4 because it has been so hard. I have had to repeat days 1 and 2 of this week so far and although I am really pleased with myself for continuing to run and getting this far it sometimes gets hard to see that week 9 off at the end of the tunel. However the sit ups and push ups are progressing really well. I did my 2 exhastion tests today and under supervision from Sensei and a couple of Karate students I made it to 20 push ups and 105 sit ups. I am really pleased with that. anyway I am hoping to be back here in a couple of days with results from my next run and the other programs Until then keep on smiling, running, and working on the push ups and sit ups.

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