Wednesday, March 24, 2010

in between bits

ok so today was not a running day and thats good I love having a day off in between. I must be a bit wierd because I do have my Karate class that I do 4 times a week sometimes it falls on the same day as a run sometimes not. However just to add insult to injury (damn I hope not) I am doing the 100 push ups and 200 sit ups as well. so with all this going on I am finding that on the nights I do Karate I have to come home and finish up the situps and push ups. on tuesday I had a drop in the number of push ups I could do in the last set and I thought that might have related to the fact that the programs clashed with Karte that night but I am pleased to say that tonight proved that this is not so...I managed to get through the push ups program ending with a final set of 17 and then I did all the sets in the sit ups program finishing with a set of 101 and it is not just my count I made hubby count for me... :) so now I know I can work my way through all of this stuff and come out on the other side...maybe not any saner but I should be a damn site fitter. I may not finish right on time but that doesn't matter if I need to repeat a day in any program or even a week who cares it's not like I have to finalise it all by a certain date. its the end result that matters to me in the long run...
I am really looking forward to w4 d2 of the c25k tomorrow. here's hoping it all goes well.
wish me luck.


  1. Good luck, Lisa!! I'm very impressed that you're doing Karate, push-ups, sit-ups and C25K on top of it all.

  2. Thanks Dave I think I must be a little nutty.
