Monday, March 29, 2010

Week 4 day 3

Wow well today has been a great day of personal bests for me. I went out at lunch time and ran at Braeside Park and it all just came together for me. I did my normall shuffly jog for the first 3 runs and most of the last run but when I got to the last minute (the ipod program tells me 1 minute left) I counted to 30 and then just stretched it out and Ran. It actually felt really good. the Heart rate got right up there and I was on such a natural high mainly because I could fell the difference and I know that I am moving forward... Thanks C25k I never ever would have got this far without all the folks on the forum. Then I had Karate and I also did week 3 day 1 of both the push ups and sit ups programs. I have not had a day this good in ages.
lets hope that we can carry this through week 5-9.


  1. Very good!! Every now and then, you'll crush a workout and it sure does feel good, huh? Those are the best.

  2. Absolutely Dave, Thanks for stopping by its really nice to have someone looking over my shoulder.
