Tuesday, March 23, 2010

w4 d1 take 2

Ok Thanks for the kind comments Mandy I really do appreciate all your support.
now lets get down to it. left work feeling fairly rubishy there are lots of changes happening and it's a little hard to stay on top of them all.
drove up to the local park my normall running ground. Well back on my dirt track with the trees and the birds I even saw a couple of bunny's running across the track. Armed with my ipod and some good running music. (well its good for me to run with ACDC and Pink) and off I went. the 5 minute walk was as usual good and relaxing then we hit the first 3 minute run....finished that not bad I says to myself. I walked for a bit and instead of saying I can't do this I said to myself I can do this just go as far as you can and if you get to the 5 minutes thats good if you don't thats ok just try and get your best time..3.52 well I was just getting to the point of omg is it ever going to end better check that I didn't flick the volume on the ipod as I put it in my bum bag, so I pulled out the ipod and only had 7 seconds to go...yes I made the 5 minute run. Well what can be done once can most certainly be done again in the right environment and guess what I was in the right environment...I pulled it off Yeahhhhh I am so happy....on sunday I was pretty annoyed with myself I know I set myself up to have a hard time changing so many variables all at once but the thing that annoyed me was that I let it beat me. so now I don't have to be annoyed anymore because I beat it... week 4 day 1 is dust..
Thanks so much to those of you who inspire me to push through these mental blocks and just do it....you know who you are and you deserve medals.

1 comment:

  1. "Well what can be done once can most certainly be done again in the right environment" I really love this idea! I'll have to use that when I'm going for a run and really don't feel like I'm going to be able to push through. Congrats on your run, it always feel great when you manage to "beat" it. :)
