Thursday, March 18, 2010

Goals and Aspirations

well my mate Mandy had done it to me again. she is the master of writing up her goals. I watched her last year as she worked towards her goals with a single mindedness that was truely amazing. so here I am attempting to write down for all the world to see exactly what I hope to achieve this year.

one of my ultimate goals is to obtain my black belt however this is not something that I can finalise in this 2010 year. I can however move towards some slightly lesser goals.

lets start at the begining I do need to note that these are flexible goals nothing is set it stone.
1. I want to work through the c25k program successfully and and make running a regular part of my fitness routine. so far I have not developed a love of running but I can see that the general feelings of accomplishment that go with this sport can be good for pretty much everything.

2. I want to complete the 100 push ups and 200 sit ups programs and maintain the fitness level required to do this on a regular basis.

3. I want to work with my horse on a more regular basis and ride more often.

All of these goals are short term like 3 month goals at least in the initial phase of getting to the end of a set program.

as I move to mid term goals I have less control over whether or not they will be achievable.

before the end of the year I want to gain my 2nd kyu I believe this is possible and it is in keeping with obtaining my black belt before I get to 47 years of age. (note I have dropped this from 50 as that age is just to scary to contemplate)

ok so basically that is my goals for me for the year. Of course as a mother I need to add items like spending more time reading with my kids and helping with the house and homework with them I have this wondeful husband who has managed to stay relatively sane married to me and he puts up with me working through all this stuff by watching and making the odd comment. One of my goals is to keep him happy and home brewing to his hearts content.

anyway apart from boring work commitments and other stuff the only other goal I have is to be a good friend to those I have come to love and to maintain a positive outlook.

I don't know if writing all this down will help me to achieve what I want to achieve but if nothing else it will help me to remember what I wanted to do this year.

have fun party hard and keep on moving.

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