Tuesday, April 20, 2010

mothers day classic...2010

OMG on the 09/05/2010 there is the mothers day classic 4 or 8 km run / walk I should graduate c25k early in that week. I have sooooo many people encouraging me to do this and it is a huge day with thousands running and walking. It is for a good cause as well. My hubby will think I am crazy if I do this and my kids don't want me to be away because they want to give me breakfast in bed....maybe they could give me afternoon tea in bed after the run...lol
I don't know what to do it has me scared silly....
I have week 7 day 3 tomorrow and I am not really worried about that.

I know I am only doing like 4mph which is like 6.43 kmph so I should be able to do 4km in about 37 minutes. if i can run that long and if thats my speed at the end of c25k so that would not be the end of the world I shouldn't disgrace myself...
Oh well I don't have to decide until close of business on Friday if I register online...I will sleep on it...
run tomorrow and try and guage my speed to see if it is getting better or worse...lol
then make the decision maybe...


  1. You know I would go for it.. It is YOUR day afterall ;-). It will also be a good starting point to gauge your speed for future races and all. Sign up for a few of them over the course of the summer, see how you improve. I really think it is a great idea and that you will do well.

  2. Your hubby will think you're crazy? That alone is reason to do it!!

  3. Hey Lynz I am in melbourne so we are just coming out of summer...most of my c25k was done on days that were the equivalent of 89 - 94 F I am really enjoying running in the cool of the morning.

    Dave your not scoring any points with Hubby...lol
    I will let you know what I decide I am waiting on a call from a friend who is doing it I want to talk to her first...

  4. HA... after I typed that I was almost certain you were in Melbourne, but couldn't remember for sure... My apologies. Either way.. I say go for it ;-)

  5. I was all excited because Sept. 5 is my daughter's birthday and I was thinking what good kharma, and then I thought ... hmmm? ... Mother's Day in September? ... is that when THEY do it? And then I FINALLY thought ... well DUH ... she means May 9th ... sigh. I think my age is showing ...

    So ANYWAY, my graduation run/ first real 5K will be on Mother's Day and I TOTALLY recommend it! In fact, my whole entire reason for doing C25K is to be able to do this one run. This will be my 3rd year in a row (first time running the whole way), and doing something healthy for myself (as well as doing it with my daughter) has made these THE BEST Mother's Days of all! Granted, I have to get up really early (which I loath), but after all the excitement of the event is over (and let me tell you, it's a total BLAST!), I take a HUGE nap in the afternoon and let them cook me dinner :o) LOVE IT! Besides, I think that it sends a super message to the kids that doing something active and taking care of yourself is just as good a way to spend a special day as sleeping late and eating! I wouldn't miss it for the world!
