Sunday, April 18, 2010

finishing week 6 and starting week 7 + stuff

Ok so I have been really slack on the blogging side of my life lately. Things have been realy stressful and busy and I have been feeling a bit out of control and as most control freaks will tell you this can be detrimental to your mental health... So on week 6 day 2 I went out at lunch time and made the effort it was great to get out of the office and temperature wise it was a great day for running. I made it through the day and only the last run gave me problems because of a shoe lace so I stopped and fixed it and then just kept going. I figure this means I made it through the run. so I am pretty happy with that. so that was last Tuesday and on Thursday due to changes with my childcare arrangements I am now running in the mornings before work. I have been a bit worried about this because I am now running on concrete footpaths insted of my nice gravel tracks. I went out on Thursday morning and did my week 6 day 3 before 7.30 in the morning because of the concrete I took it really slow and I made it so I was extremely relieved to complete weeks 6.
in the mean time I have also been continuing with the sit ups and push ups programs the sit ups are progressing really well and I am over the moon with my progress there. Tonight I completed week 5 day 1 of the sit ups program and the total over 4 sets with 1 minute breaks between each set was 295 sit ups. The maximum I have ever done in a single set still sits at 120 sit ups but I think after seeing how this program works that i just might make it to 200 sit ups in a set by the end of week 6. The Push ups program for me is much harder and although I finished the week 5 day 1 workout today with a total of 86 push ups over 4 sets I still have only ever made it to 30 push ups in a single set. tonights efforts were really hard because extended the break between workouts by a couple of days. I did my last exhastion test for both sit ups and push ups last wednesday night at Karate which was great because I had an indipendant count and I couldn't trick myself into thinking I had done more than I actually had. after that test I had planned to do week 5 day 1 on Friday but time just got away from me and I then planned to do Saturday Well let me give you a run down on my Sat...I got up and did my run in the morning 25 minutes straight week 7 day 1 bites the dust Yipee I was so happy to have done that before my Karate class because I knew I had a big day lined up. Saturday is a "no gi" fitness class it has been this way on a Saturday for quite a while now. I have not been the biggest fan of this fitness class but I have persisted and done them every week so I was pretty sure I knew what I was up for OMG shock horror the warm up was taken by an over zealous teen who thought that 550 punches followed by a suggested 40 push ups was a good way to warm up. I agreed to do 10 push ups but I was not impressed. this fitness class has been stuctured so that we know whats coming and can aim to improve on our best times and qty of techniques so dumping a full on challenge on us like that was pretty out there. Our regular Sensie comes back and continued the class the same way it normally runs so we finished it up and that was really good. they have started to run a new lady's fitness class after the original class and I decided to hang around and see what that was like. OMG it started with like 5 minutes of cardio is no where near that as I only have one speed for skipping (fast) unlike running where I can slow myself down I have as yet been unable to do that with skipping. I made it about 1/2 way through that class before I signed out and went home...I was exhausted.... I spent the rest of the afternoon out with my horse Ned Kelly and that helped me to relax a little. We had guests for dinner so the push ups and situps program fell by the wayside until this evening. so here we are approaching a new week. for me this week will bring new challenges... Week 7 d2 on the c25k program I know lots of people have had issues with this run I plan to do it first thing tomorrow morning so hopefully I won't have an issue with that one. I have week 5 for the push ups and sit ups program and I have to say the push ups are going to be a huge challenge. I am really stiff from yesterday so i really hope I can get through it all. I have to say that this weekend is the first time that I have seriously felt over commited. I honestly thought about dropping something but I have come so far in all 3 programs that I can't condone quiting...funn that quiters never win.... so I guess I just have to keep on plugging along. I am not sure what I will do once I complete the programs and graduate the c25k and hit 100 push ups and 200 sit ups. I think that for a time I just want to incorporate them all 3 times a week with my 4 times a week Karate but I need to co-ordinate a way that gives me at least 3 days completely off with no exercise programs so that I have some time to relax and enjoy life instead of being the driven maniac that just won't

On a happier note my youngest son competed in a Karate tournament today and I am sooooo proud of him...he went out there and gave it his best shot in 2 events he didn't place but still shook hands and thanked his opponant I am so proud that he is learning excellent sportsmanship and then he got up and did his Kata class and placed 3rd out of 7 it is his first ever trophy and his smile was enough to melt my heart. Well done Rhys biggest hugs from your proud mum.
Anyway wish me luck for next week


  1. 295 sit-ups?? Good gravy! W7D2 was one of my favorite (and slowest) runs. You have the conditioning, so it's all a matter of pacing now. Have a good next week!

  2. Thanks Dave remember thats not in one set it is over 5 sets with a 1 minute break between makes it way easier and I only have 1.5 weeks of that program I need to have those figures right up there if I want to make it to 200 in one set.

  3. Good luck on Week 7! This is where things will start getting tougher, as you will lose a lot of the time you were alloud to walk. Just keep going, almost done!

    James Brewer
