Sunday, April 11, 2010

week 6 day 1 done and dusted

ok so Today was a sticky one...I still have my head cold I can't seem to shake it but I should have run on friday and here it is sunday and I haven't run yet. I woke up and it was cold wet and windy. I had a complete lack of motivation to do anything but stay in bed. Hubby wonderful man that he is brought me toast in bed for breakfast (I am such a lucky girl....)anyway I took the kids out to get thier winter school uniforms sorted and some other new clothes. I got home from there and sat down with a book and then realised that the whole day was just slipping away. At that point I got really annoyed with myself and I went and got changed and headed off for the track to run. the wind was appalling it made it even harder to breathe. The Grass track makes it harder for my legs I know I know its supposed to be better than the harder surfaces and it probably is but i normally run on a gravel track and I find that works really well for me...the grass is just a bit on the spongy side for my liking... anyway I was back to intervals today and 3 runs made up of 5 min then 8 min and then 5 minutes again. The first 5 minute run was extremely difficult due to the wind and the head cold I think I was trying to run a bit fast as well so by the time I got to the end of the first interval I really thought I would have to quit. I did need to walk until I could breathe normally again and so when the next run now cue came in I figures well lets just see how we go...I made it withoug too much discomfort all 8 minutes and I was so elated that I went on to finish the whole workout. don't get me wrong i am doing this even slower than i normally would and that was pretty slow to start with. At this point in my "running career" I have to say I just want to get the timing right if I can run/jog/suffle for 30 minutes at the end of this I can work on speeding things up later. Once I get rid of this horrible code I will have a better idea of how I am going and what I need to do to get things up to speed.
I still have push ups and sit ups to go tonight so at least when I get back to Karate tomorrow that will be the only thing I have to get through... tuesday will be a no Karate day but a run and push ups/sit ups day and Wednesday is just Karate again.
Thursday will be the next big day with all 4 workouts falling on the same day... I then get Friday off and have a huge day on Sat....

I have a Karate competition coming up at the end of June and I am hoping to Grade at Karate at the begining of June.

If I can work hard enough and be given the opportunity to try and grade I will have a 2 hour + Karate class where I will be tested on various techniques, self defence, sparring and Kata. As much as I want to grade in June I will not be overly surprised if I have to wait until September and that won't upset me too much as the September opportunity is an international grading. No matter what happens with 3 gradings to go to get to shodan Ho (black belt) I won't get there until at the earliest September 2012 so I guess thats the long term goal... In the mean time I just want to get everything else moving forward and maintained so I am in the right place when I get offered the opportunity go grade.



  1. Keep at it Lisa! You make us so proud. We are considering suggesting our 12 year old daughter get into martial arts - -she is athletic but spends most of her time "texting" on her mobile. I take that you would vote "yes". Is there any particular type of discipline we should look at for a beginner? Anything we should consider when looking for a school? Thanks -- B

  2. Hey Brian,
    make sure any teacher you us is accreditied by the World Karate federation. If you can find a dojo nearby that is part of the Kobi Osaka organisiation I would highly recomend that as that is the group that I am affiliated with. Sensei Tommy Morris is the most amazing man to watch he is around 70 now and moves faster than most 20 year olds it's amazing. over here we have some classes for kids as young as 4 so if you can get her interested now its better than taking it up later that being said I was 42 when I Where are you based I will have a snoop around and let you know if I can come up with anything that is close.

  3. Thanks Lisa! We are in Lexington, Kentucky.
