Wednesday, May 5, 2010

C25K Graduation is pending

Ok so tomorrow is it If I make it out of bed at 5.45 am I will have time to run before I have to get the kids up and going and I won't be late for work...I can't believe that I have reached this point...I don't think I ever really believed that I could do this but I basically ignored the end and just kept putting one foot in front of the other...and it worked.....FIGJAM....

I tried something different tonight I got home from Work at 5.45pm and did my push ups (97 girly push ups) and then I did and get this!!! 400 sit ups now keep in mind thats in sets with 45 second breaks between each set but hey it is still 400 sit ups...I think thats pretty cool....

then after doing that I threw on my gi and went to the brown belt Karate class and guess what surprise surprise in the karate class we did push ups, situps and crunches...yeahhhhhhhh thank god for the 20 minute break between what I did at home and what I did at the dojo...

I bought myself the nike+ sensor and I used that on my last 2 runs under the c25k program on my ipod I am getting excited about running with just that going and no overlay it means that I wll be able to get some stats while running other than just how much longer I have to go... I am not sure If I will be able to post them here or not but I will make an effort to work out how to do that and we will see how we go...anyway thats it for tonight...wish me luck for the morning.

1 comment:

  1. What a transformation!! Enjoy your run tomorrow. I'll open a good bottle tomorrow.
