Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another goal hit yehaaaaa

I just sat down on the floor in our back room and while my husband sat on the couch watching TV I did 200 consecutive sit ups!!! no breaks no stopping lots and lots of heavy breathing but I did it...Yipppppppeeeeee
so just to point it out here I think I am pretty damn close to being superwoman .....lol not really but I am very proud of myself...now to fix the damn push ups....

At this point I would have to say 2 out of 3 aint bad...

Friday, May 7, 2010

OMG look what I got....(thanks Dave)

Well how cool is this....
I have to admitt I really did work for this it has been a hard slog getting through the c25k program but I have made friends both on and offline and the benefits health wise are amazing... I can't believe I get a certificated from across the world in the USA for doing something I should ahve done 20 years ago...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Graduationa... Yipeee

Ok so this morning I staggered out of bed at 5.45 and I was out and runnning by 6.am the weather was ok to start with but with 2 laps to go it really started raining...I have to say I short cut my cool down by the time I got home I was so wet I just needed a hot shower to get me through....I recieved my diploma from dave which is Awsome...thanks Mate you gave my already excellent day a great lift...

Ok so whats in the future for me? I need to keep running at least 2-3 times a week. I need to finish the 200 sit ups program and keep on doing them at least twice a week. I am still working on the push ups program and I pretty much reverted to girly push ups and week 3 so I have a fair way to go with that....I will continue to train 4 times a week at Karate and I am really loving the increased intensity...although the strength training with brace and leg work at the start of most of my classes at the moment is pushing me to my limits. I am starting to see minor changes but I have to work on changing my food intake I am obviously overdoing something in that area because the weight should be falling off me with all the work I am doing and it is being decidedly stubbourn.... I think stress has a lot to do with that....so I will keep on working on relaxing so that I can get this all to come together....

Thanks for reading guys...your support has made a huge difference.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

C25K Graduation is pending

Ok so tomorrow is it If I make it out of bed at 5.45 am I will have time to run before I have to get the kids up and going and I won't be late for work...I can't believe that I have reached this point...I don't think I ever really believed that I could do this but I basically ignored the end and just kept putting one foot in front of the other...and it worked.....FIGJAM....

I tried something different tonight I got home from Work at 5.45pm and did my push ups (97 girly push ups) and then I did and get this!!! 400 sit ups now keep in mind thats in sets with 45 second breaks between each set but hey it is still 400 sit ups...I think thats pretty cool....

then after doing that I threw on my gi and went to the brown belt Karate class and guess what surprise surprise in the karate class we did push ups, situps and crunches...yeahhhhhhhh thank god for the 20 minute break between what I did at home and what I did at the dojo...

I bought myself the nike+ sensor and I used that on my last 2 runs under the c25k program on my ipod I am getting excited about running with just that going and no overlay it means that I wll be able to get some stats while running other than just how much longer I have to go... I am not sure If I will be able to post them here or not but I will make an effort to work out how to do that and we will see how we go...anyway thats it for tonight...wish me luck for the morning.

Monday, May 3, 2010

decisions decisions

ok I am back I have been doing some serious thinking with regards to the 100 push ups program. Over a 4 week period of time I went from 10 push ups to 30 off my toes good form push ups but It is definitely pushing me to my limits. I have therefore decided to take a step back and work on doing the girly push ups off my knees and getting to 100 that way with a view to moving back onto my toes after hitting this modified goal first. I am planning on maintaing the 200 sit ups program as is and moving on to week 5 tonight... I have 2 runs left in the c25k program and I will do one run tomorrow (if I can get out of bed) and the next run on either Thursday, Friday or Saturday depending on how things go. I saw the doctor today about my left shin just below the knee I actually thought I may have done something serious to it when I fell the other day however he asures me that if I had chipped or fractured the bone in any way I wouldn't be walking around on it. so basically I will give it a day or two and if it hasn't improved I will have an X-ray to make sure it has not got any major issues...it actually doesn't give me any grief at all unless I touch it so I think I will just avoid touching it...lol this approach works if I don't fall asleep and roll over...

I have a Karate competition coming up in June and I have to decide if I will compete in both discaplines i.e Kata and Sparring...I have lots of encouragement to do the Sparring but I am not so sure it would be wise some of those 18 year old girls have skills that are off the charts....The Kata will still be stiff competition but I am not worried about winning or loosing just making a good effort and not stuffing up too badly.

i have some time to make up my mind on this in the mean time back to do my sit ups...
night for now.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

How slack have I been?

Ok so I have been really slack about blogging my progress. Hoever I am about to rectify that...lol

this morning i completed week 9 day 1 I have been thinking about what I will do when I finish the c25k program just 2 runs away...I got a nike + sensor and I am really happy with the results of todays run you can set it to run with your music and then put the c25k app over the top of it so I can use it to finish the c25k program and then continue to have a structured runing partner as I move forward. I really only need to run 3 times a week for about 30 mnutes to be able to meet my current goals..they may change in fact they often do...lol

ok the 200/100 programs for sit ups and push ups... I have fallen off the wagon a bit with these. I have made it to week 5 with both programs but last week I didn't do anything with them...I think I can pick up where I left off with the sit ups but the push ups are another matter. I think I am going to drop back to the start of week 3 and move forward with them from there. I am really struggling with these and not working on them for a while has not helped.

I have also had some changes in my Karate and I will be training with another teacher from now on...I expect the classes to be quite difficult so the sit ups and push ups may have to move over to the side for a bit...I plan to try and at least maintain my current levels so that I don't loose any ground but I really need to concentrate on the Karate that has always been my number one fitness and exercise priority.

I am relieved to have made the decision not to run the mothers day classic although I would have liked to do that I really feel that I currently have enough on my plate...good news though i do plan to do it next year with a friend who is going to use the c25k program to get to a point where she can do it with me.

I Have posted each of my runs on the c25k forums so I haven't been totally slack just a bit slow posting here...

between work, Karate and my other fitness programs I don't seem to have too much time for blogging...lol
ok so I hope to keep this up to date a bit more as I move into the relms of post c25k
thanks for reading