Saturday, March 5, 2011

OMG OMG OMG this blog still exists.....

wow I really thought they would have canned this blog since I haven't been here since Oct last year..... how amazing that it's still here...
So much has been happening and so much has stayed the same it's really pretty scary....
after changing jobs my position with victoria Station came to an end at the end of November  and I really can't say I am sorry....I really liked the people I was working with but the location and the hours were really bad for me....I had a panicy couple of weeks before landing a temp position until the end of Jan and then I have found a position closer to home again.....I am sure it will all settle down in the next couple of weeks and I can work on keeping my routiens in order......
Ok I joined a Gym with my brown belt mate Tegan and we have been punishing ourselves with Zumba and weights a couple of times a week on top of doing Karate a min of 3 times a week.  I have noticed some good improvements in Strength and conditioning since joining the gym and I had my program reset done this morning so I am really excited and can't wait to get in there and working through it....

I started running again and have been working through the C25K program on a treadmill....I started at week 3 and finished week 7 last week however as is often the case the goals are continuously being upgraded....

I originally wanted to run 5 k because of the Karate Marathon that was in the past run in January....much to my dismay this year despite me working my but off to improve on last years efforts they didn't run one... Don't get me wrong none of the work was wasted but at this time of my life I don't really need to be able to run for 5km....I am running intervals on the treadmill and using the cross trainer to cover a cardio componant in my gym work and Karate is making sure I keep on top of my my theory is that because the human body is sooooo good at adapting to what we put it through I am going to change up my program a bit every 4 weeks or so and see where that takes me...The change in my life over the past 5 years has been extraordinary when you consider that in Oct 2006 I was 25kg heavier, I smoked the equivalent of at least a pack a day, and I did very little in the way of be where I am now exercising 5-6 days a week not smoking and loving my life.....I have to say Karate is AWESOME.....thanks to all my friends and family who have supported me esspecially my hubby and kids who take all my fads with a grain of salt and deal we me being an absolute nutter.....

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