Tuesday, August 17, 2010

back at it again

Damn I have been really slack...well at least with the blogging...
I have however kept running although not as regularly as I would have planned.
I am redoing the c25k program but I am throwing in a week 1 d 1 run periodically as I think the intervals may help me to drop some weight.
I really need to do that... :(
for the first time in my life I think I have to admit that carrying this extra weight is preventing me from moving forward the way that I want to...it's been at the very least a 20 year battle probably closer to 30 with the extra kg and I probably "know" more about how to loose weight and good nutritian than most people because I have had a go at most things to get the weight off. it really is a matter of being able to take control and do it though...I seem to have heaps of discapline when it comes to training or running or push ups or sit ups but eating the right foods seems to be a big issue for me...I need to drop at least 25kg probably 35 would put me in a "normal" weight range for my height...the whole damn thing leaves me cold.... :( The frustration is huge and despite doing so much right I still don't seem to move...
sorry to have been boring but hey I blog so you can choose not to read or to read...
If anyone has a magic cure for fat I would love to know about it :) lol I have a horrible feeling that it comes down to a simple formula....in and out....damn I hate that.


  1. If it is any consolation, I have much more to lose and for me, at least, I feel pretty confident that I've proven it isn't a simple matter of calories in/out. I'm at a large deficit on net calories for the month, but the scales have not moved downward here, either. I've seen a doc regularly to get hormones balanced, and done food sensitivity testing so I do have a good grasp on the healthiest way of eating for my body. All that means is that I understand your frustration! I try to dwell more on the fact that my speed, distance, and lung capacity have improved- as I'm certain yours have as well. Keep plugging away. I'm positive we'll both discover the key sooner or later (hopefully sooner!).

  2. Wow Pam, thanks for your positive comments...if we are both at the same place perhaps we can bounce idea's off each other and work through it together...I have read a book by John Gabriel which backs up the fact that calories in vs calories out does not work an awful lot of it all is more of an emotional and mental process....
