Saturday, June 5, 2010

Proud Mum's

Well I am sure I have driven everyone nuts on face book so now I have to post it here....Congratulations to my son Rhys.  He graded from the Thunderbolts program to the Young Samorai program today and he did really well I am so proud of him...he has worked pretty hard over the last 3 months and the results showed...
My turn next time round...

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness the C25K site didn't go down when I was in Week 6, I may not have made it! Congrats on the new job and the new goals. Given all the success you've had in the past, I'm sure you'll do just fine provided that your goals are truly desirable by you and realistic for you. I'm getting ready for my first 5K race in ... oh my gosh ... it's less than a week away. Stay strong, and don't forget to draw energy from past success and reward yourself along the way!
