Friday, June 4, 2010

its come time to get back into making myself accountable. mmmmm where to start

Ok there have been some changes in my life.....the c25k forums have been down for ages and that makes it really hard.  I found so many people there with similar goals and the motivation that happened in that place was amazing to say the very least.  After some really interesting times at work I have finally taken the punge and resigned I have found another job and I start there on 29/06/10 so that is going to be a huge challenge but I really belive it will be the best thing that could have happened to me.

I have been really slack on the blogging side of things.  I need to fix that and work towards keeping myself accountable so I think it is time to re align my goals.  I listed several fitness goals way back on the early posts here on the blog and I have met some of those goals...
I graduated from the c25k program.
I finished the 200 sit ups program
which are both reasonable goals to hit.  however both of those goals were achieved at about the same time.
I did get a little slack after that...I have been using my nike + and I have sort of restarted the c25k program with the aim of increasing is crazy but I have been struggling with the early weeks again and I keep thinking I have done this I know I can do this...I have my running partner now.  The dog comes with me and thats great. He has been really good with excellent manners he isn't tryng to pull me around and he is happy to run any time I want to....
I have had a little dissapointment because I was hoping I would be given the opportunity to grade tomorrow but that wasn't to be...My partner in crime Mandy will grade and thats wonderful but I am a little dissapointed in myself because I obviously havn't worked hard enough or improved enough to warrant grading (YET) There is another grading in 3 months and I will aim for that...this will keep me on track for obtaining my black belt in 2012 I really don't want to push things back any further than that but it is not always up to me....all I can do is put my best foot forward...and as always I will continue to do that.
Having achieved the 200 sit ups..I need to reset some other goals... my sempai (teacher) wants me to also set some Karate goals as well as some fitness goals.  I did speak to her about that last night to try and understand exactly what she meant and I will have to dig some more to work out the best approach to this.
in the mean time...
Goal 1 = complete c25k again faster
Goal 2 = run at least 3 times a week and at least 50km in june  ( I made it to just over 40km in May)
Goal 3 = redo the 200 sit ups with my legs up on the couch
Goal 4 =  restart and complete the 100 push ups program  off my toes
Goal 5 =  work out the rest of my Karate goals with Sempai....
I also plan to be the guninee pig for a couple of Karate mates who are doing coaching courses so hopefully that will help me to hit the rest of my goals...

I have all of these goals and I need to make them work the way that they should so to do that I also need to have at least 3 days a week where I don't do any programs or karate so one of my goals is also to co-ordinate things so I get Tuesday, Friday and Sunday off each week to just be with my family, work and play
so wish me luck guys...without the c25k forums I may need some inspiration and motivational help....


  1. YAY!!! I'm so glad to "see" you here!! I've missed my C25K friends SO MUCH!

    I think your goals sound great, and you know me ... I'm glad to hear you're working some rest into the schedule :o)

    I'm still training for my triathlon - rode 10 miles (the distance I'll ride in the race) for the first time today. The bike and swimming are going really well. The running ... ugh! I have somehow damaged the plantar facia (i.e. the bottom) of my right foot, and it's just not getting any better. I've only run once or twice since my 5k on Mother's Day - talk about FRUSTRATING!!! I have, however, been doing deep water running with the sincere hope that it is as effective a substitute as "they" say it is. I'm also going to take a stab at the elliptical tomorrow ... all I can do is try to make the best of a lousy situation. The tri is in 9 weeks, so I'm just hoping and hoping and trying to remember to enjoy the journey ...

    I'm also hoping that your new job works out well for you - congrats on finding a new one! I also hope you keep blogging ... it's nice to hear how things are going :o)

    Sorry you couldn't test this time around, but your day will come!

  2. Hey Mel,
    thanks so much for all your support I am getting back on track so its all going to come together now...I plan to keep blogging as
